Gift a Northern Lights course
An original gift idea: offer someone access to a course entirely dedicated to the Northern Lights!
So, you decided to offer access to a course as a gift ? Just follow these steps.
Create an account on Aurora Labs Online, with your own name and e-mail.
Make sure you choose a strong password, but one that the person you are gifting can see and use for themselves! (They can later change it if desired, of course!)
Purchase 45 days access to the course normally, with your name and payment details (just as if you would purchase access for yourself).
Read below a note concerning this duration.
Contact me at Aurora Labs, and I will change the name and e-mail with those of the person you'd like to receive your gift.
At the same time, I will extend the access duration by 10 days, so that you have enough time to offer your gift.
Offer the person a nice gift certificate (that I can provide, or that you can create yourself).
Access you purchase is for only one person.
If you'd like to offer the course to another person, please follow all the steps again.
Yes, you need to create a new Aurora Labs Online account for each person you'd like to offer a gift to. This is because each person will have their own rhythm of study and thus their own progress.
You normally purchase 45 days access to the course.
But I understand that you may buy the gift in advance. This is why, in the case of gifting a course, I will manually extend the duration by 10 days, so that you have enough time to offer your gift.
Just make sure to make the actual purchase 10 days or less before you actually offer the gift.
Then contact me right away!